Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter Eight...

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newspaper readership going up in other countries?

I believe that people aren’t reading newspapers anymore because people are tending to use the Internet to get their news instead of purchasing newspapers. If you use the Internet to get your news, it’s free. But if you purchase a newspaper from a stand outside a gas station, it’s like two-dollars in quarters. I would much rather use my quarters to purchase a carwash than to use them to buy a paper whenever it’s just as easy for me to log on my laptop. Newspaper readership is going up in other countries because of the digital divide. Other countries besides America tend to have less access to technology. They also want to have a way to stay in touch with their everyday lives and what’s going on in their surroundings.

5. Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.

When it comes to blogs and Internet news services replacing newspapers, my personal opinion is I believe that it’s going to happen in the near future. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, people would much rather use the Internet to get their news instead of purchasing newspapers. It’s more convenient if you have access to that particular technology. I don’t know that blogs will replace newspapers though; people tend to use blogs for their “diaries,” instead of using them for news. Blogs are easier to post about your everyday life, certain topics, etc. I do not foresee them being our everyday method of finding out our daily news.

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