Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chapter Nine..

6. Discuss whether your favorite magazines define you primarily as a consumer or as a citizen. Do you think magazines have a responsibility to educate their readers as both? What can they do to promote responsible citizenship?

I would have to say that my favorite magazines define me primarily as a consumer, not as a citizen. I tend to subscribe to the Seventeen and Vogue magazines more than any other certain type of magazine. I love to look at the different types of designer clothing, the hairstyles, and even the makeup. I'm not sure Vogue or Seventeen magazines would educate readers both as a consumer and a citizen. Looking at the hottest trends and makeup has nothing to do with being a citizen. These products aren't only sold in America, but they are sold in other countries as well. 

7. Do you think the Internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

Personally, I believe that the Internet will displace magazines in the near future. The Internet is slowly starting to replace the newspaper industry; therefore, I can see the magazine industry being affected as well. U.S. citizens have started to use search engines such as: Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. to get their daily news, directions, recipes, as well as, the latest trends. I expect magazines to quit being produced by the year 2050. They may even disappear before that. They have slowly started to die out already. Many U.S. citizens never take the time to stop by the magazine section in a store anyways. By 2050, I believe that almost everything will end up being virtual rather than being printed in hard copy. 

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