Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapter Eleven...

1. What is your earliest recollection of watching a television commercial? Do you have a favorite ad? A most-despised ad? What is it about these ads that you particularly like or dislike?

I really don't remember what the first television commercial was that I ever saw. More than likely, it was some kind of toy that I thought was the coolest thing ever and had to have. I would have to say that my favorite ad as of right now would have to be the SunDrop commercial on television. My most-despised ad would have to be the Kia Soul commercial with the mice. The fact that the mice rap drives me crazy. My dad also feels the need to go around singing this commercial at least once a day. (That makes me really aggravated). What I like about the SunDrop commercial is that it is creative; whereas, the Kia Soul commercial is a little too much. The commercial seems as if it goes on for five minutes straight.

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising?

I would have to say that people are so critical of advertising because it's pushed in our faces on a daily basis. There's no way to avoid having an ad right in front of you whether it be in a subway station, newspaper stand, grocery store, a university, etc. Everywhere you go, someone is always trying to advertise a particular product. One thing about advertising that gets on my nerves especially is television commercials. Commercials tend to take up the majority of your time when watching television. For example, American Idol has become really popular over the years. Throughout this particular show, Ryan Seacrest announces breaks at least ten times. If it wasn't for the commercials and everything, American Idol by itself would probably only last around twenty minutes whenever it's broadcasted for an hour. But there is no way to avoid watching commercials; therefore, you have the choice to either change the channel or mute your television. Hopefully within the next few years, advertising will find a new method besides being aired on television or on the internet.

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