Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter Seven...

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.

The only time that I remember trying to see a movie that I wasn't allowed to see was whenever I went to visit my cousin Katheryne, who lives in Wilmington, NC. Katheryne and I went to the movies with a friend of hers and the girls dad. The dad paid for us tickets to see one movie, and he went into a different part of the theater to see the Weatherman. Well, my cousin and I decided that we were going to attempt to sneak into one of the Saw movies instead of the movie that that girls dad paid for, and we got caught by an employee. Instead of us sneaking into the correct theater, we snuck into one where the employees had started to clean between shows. The employee informed us that we were underage and that we needed to go into the same part of the theater that the dad was in. When my parents found out that I ended up seeing the Weatherman, they weren't overly thrilled. The Weatherman was rated R, and it had the "f" word almost every other word. They also were very disappointed that I tried to sneak into a different movie that I hadn't paid for. Needless to say, I haven't attempted to try to sneak into another movie since then.

3. How often do you go to a movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?

Ever since the movie ticket prices went up, my boyfriend and I don't go to the movies very often. We tend to rent our movies more than anything. It's cheaper, and it's more convenient. We play DVDs on the television at home on a regular basis; however, we don't watch movies on my computer ever.  It may be more convenient to get our DVD's on a computer than it is to drive to the video store, but we both would much rather take the time to get the hardcopy of the DVD. We tend to watch movies almost every time we get together. That's what we like to do.

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