Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter Six...

1. How many cable channels do you watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel?

For as long as I can remember, my family has always had satellite instead of cable. I'm sure at one point in time when I was little, we had cable but I don't remember it. So, I don't watch cable regularly. On satellite, however, I watch quite a few channels regularly such as: Disney, WCCB, ABC Family, GSN, MTV, along with a few others. I tend to watch programs like: House, Sex and the City, Baggage, Jerseylicious, Jersey Shore, and many others. Depending upon what is playing on a particular channel is how I choose what I want to watch.  

6. Some critics argue that citizens no longer participate in traditional neighborhood activities and that cable has played a role in fragmenting society, keeping us in our homes. Do you agree or disagree? What has cable done well, and in what ways has it adversely affected society?

After reading this statement, I agree that citizens no longer participate in traditional neighborhood and activities because cable has played a role in fragmenting society, and keeping citizens in their home. Cable is an advantage to citizens because it is our source of entertainment, news, etc. If we didn't have cable or satellite TV, then we wouldn't have any means of keeping up with what's happening in today's society besides in the newspaper. Cable has affected society because it has caused Americans to become lazy and overweight. Americans would rather sit at home on the couch and watch TV than go to work or go out. 

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