Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter Five..

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television. What was your favorite show? Which, if any, shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why?

My earliest memory of watching television was whenever I use to watch Barney as a younger child. That was my absolute favorite show and I couldn't miss any episode. If Barney was on television, I made my family watch it no matter if they would have rather watched something else. There were plenty of shows and movies that my parents didn't allow me to watch. Movies that were R-rated or PG-13 were definitely off limits. My parents are still this way with my youngest sister, Taylor, who is only eleven years old. My parents supervised everything that I did as a kid because they were afraid that I would run across something that I didn't need to see. Nowadays, it's pathetic what adults allow their children to see on television. Whenever I get married and have children, I plan on being almost exactly like my parents were, overprotective.  

2. How much television do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite program(s)?

Recently, I have become quite a television addict. Last year, I didn't watch nearly as much television as I do now. I watch television almost everyday now especially with my boyfriend, Joshua Fox. I watch Jersey Shore, House, Sex and the City, Jerseylicious, The Ellen Show, The Tyra Banks Show, and many more. There are many things that attract me to these different programs. When it comes to Jerseyshore and Jerseylicious, both of these shows are pretty much reality shows. They are full of drama. The Ellen and the Tyra Banks shows, they are just very exciting for me. I love seeing what famous actors/ actresses that Ellen brings on her shows, and all of her crazy dances that she does before the beginning of each show. Sex and the City is just a television series that has caught my interest recently. Each episode is interesting, and there is always something new happening. As for House, I've always been interesting in pursuing some sort of medical career. House has just always been enticing for me because of the different symptoms and things that his patient's have and his diagnosis.

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