Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter Fifteen...

1. What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?

Currently, I cannot think of any main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University. I haven’t really paid attention to any of it. I’ve been more focused on just getting my education by staying focused with my classes that I have at the particular time.

4. In looking at media courses in a college curriculum, what do you think the relationship is between theory and practice? Do hands-on, practical-skills courses such as news reporting, advertising copywriting, or TV production belong in a liberal arts college or in a separate mass communication college? Explain your answer.

There is a huge difference between theory and practice. Theory would probably state that the media courses within a university have to do with entertainment. Practice would be actually practicing different types of activities that involve the different types of media. I believe that hands-on, practical-skills courses such as: news reporting, advertising, copywriting, and TV production belong in both a liberal arts college or in a separate mass communication college. In order for a student to major in communications or any other sort of major, they must have experience in practicing certain situations such as news reporting, etc.

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