Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chapter Three

1. Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?

My favorite musical group when I was younger was the Spice Girls. Like I mentioned in an earlier blog, I was obsessed with them. I wore their clothes, shoes, and listened to their music on a daily basis. I was around seven-years-old whenever I started listening to them. There wasn’t anything specific that I liked about their music. I believe that the beats that they had in their music was a major part about it that I liked. I was too young to understand what any of the lyrics meant, so the beats and rhythm to the songs had to have been what attracted me to that particular kind of music. 

5. Do you think the Internet as a technology helps or hurts musical artists? Why do so many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about the Internet?

Personally, I believe that the Internet as a technology helps musical artists especially certain programs like iTunes (even though iTunes isn't technically online). It gives fans the opportunity to preview artist’s music before it’s sold. This way fans can decide whether or not they are fans of that particular music or not. It does take nerve for certain artists to just put their music out there because there is the risk of people getting their music illegally. I believe that many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about putting their music online because of that risk that I mentioned before. Also, they are weary that people will take advantage of their music, and that they won’t purchase their music because it can be viewed online. 

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