Lorie's Pictures..

Lorie's Pictures..

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter One

1. Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but grew away from as you got older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity? Explain.

When I was younger, I was obsessed with the Spice Girls. I was determined that I was Baby Spice, the sweet and innocent blonde-headed singer in the group. I even went out and bought high platform tennis shoes like she wore. I even wore t-shirts with the Spice Girls embedded on it. I absolutely loved that group. As I grew older, the Spice Girls ended up splitting up and going their own separate ways. They were no longer my idols. Before their splitting up, I had already begun to listen to other groups and my interest for their music had declined. I would have to say that I think this happened because I was starting to mature and see what else entertainment wise was out there. I would have to say that I do believe that my early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping my identity. If I would have never listened to the music that I listened to, I wouldn’t have developed into listening into the type of music that I like now. The music and television shows that I watched explain who I am today. 

3. Pick an example of a popular media product that you think is harmful to children. How would you make your concerns known? Should the product be removed from circulation? Why or why not? If you think the product should be banned, how would you do it?

After watching my boyfriend’s little brother play video games on a regular basis, I would have to say that video games are harmful, especially the violent games. They tend to become more of a priority over homework. I would make my concerns known by writing an article for my local newspaper. I wouldn’t suggest that the product be removed from circulation; however, I would suggest that they only allow a certain age group to buy that particular product such as eighteen and older. This would keep the younger aged children from being able to play these violent games. Violent video games are a lot of the reason as to why younger children get these crazy ideas. It teaches them that killing a human being is all right whenever it’s not. 

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